Bird Watching

The varied habitats of Uganda’s oldest forest mean it is the ideal habitat for a variety of birds, with 350 species recorded, including 23 endemics (90% of all Albertine Rift endemics) such as the Short-tailed Warbler and Blue-headed Sunbird as well as seven IUCN red data listed species.

Easy to see are the African Emerald Cuckoo, Common Bulbul, African Blue and White-tailed Blue Flycatchers and Red-headed Bluebill.
Enjoy bird-watching in Mgahinga and Bwindi, with a viriety of birds including the African piculet, Dwarf Honeyguide, Short Tailed Warbler, Tabora Cisiticola, African Green Broadbill, to the large Handsome Francolin, Black wattled casqued hornbill.

Be lead by some of the best birding guides south-western Uganda has to offer. Whether walking and viewing, or sitting in a hide and watching from a distance is your thing, we will be able to provide a birding experience which will be sure to impress any birder.  If you are a beginner, our guides have the passion and knowledge to open this whole new world up to you.